13 December, 2018
DIY canned tomatoes
Canned tomatoes can be used to prepare all kinds of soups and stews especially during winter. And the best part is, anyone with an excess of ripe tomatoes can do it! Keep reading to discover a “do it yourself” guide to the perfect homemade canned tomatoes.
First step: boil the water
Boil a generous quantity of water in a large pot. While you do that, set up a bowl of ice water near the pot.
Step 2: prepare the tomatoes
Cut a small X at the bottom of each tomato. This will make them easier to peel afterwards.
Step 3: cook the tomatoes
Put the tomatoes in the boiling water for 1 minute only. Then as you remove them, place them Immediately in the ice water bowl. This will stop the cooking process.
Step 4: sterilize the jars
Bring water to a boil once again. Put the jars in a canning rack. Boil them for 10 minutes then take them outside of the pot and on a cooling rack. Repeat the same step with the lids.
Step 5: Process the tomatoes
Peel and process the tomatoes in a food processor such as Masterchef 5000 until you reach the desired consistency.
Step 6: can the tomatoes
Bring another generous quantity of water to a boil. Stuff the jars with processed tomatoes, leaving around 2 cm of headspace at the top of each jar. Add around 1 cm of boiling water to each jar, wipe the edges and firmly place the lids. :
Step 7: boil the stuffed jars
Place the jars in the canning wrack again, and lower them into the boiling water. Cook for 45 minutes then place on a counter to dry. Be careful not to burn yourself. Once the jars are dry and cool, store them, in a dark dry place until further use.
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